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My program outcomes reflect what Estée Lauder once said, "I never dreamed about success. I worked for it." On this page you are going to see my best work. For my program outcomes I researched, included detail, and evaluated. I did everything I needed to do in order to make my work the best it needed to be. 


"Learners will become effective communicators in their discipline."


I enrolled in American Literature (ENG 232) in the fall of 2018. This course was unique because it allowed me to use to the skills you obtained in English 111 and 112 in order to build arguments based upon my own opinion. For my final paper in American Literature, I had to do a deep analysis of a text read in class. For this paper, I chose to do my deep analysis on Falling Man by Don DeLillo. I had to present my thesis and approach to the book, as well as support it with research and textual evidence.

My first goal was to learn to use sources effectively in order to communicate a point. Before taking ENG 232, I would say the research aspect part of my paper was never the best. When I used sources, I did not use them effectively. I would simply use a source, find what the main point of the source was, and use that as my main point. However, this  resulted in my not effectively communicating the point. ENG 232 allowed me to truly use sources to effectively communicate a point. I first developed my thoughts as to what point I wanted to communicate. After developing my main points, I then found sources that supported my point. Writing my papers this way resulted in me becoming a better writer than I have ever been. Before, I would simply just rely solely on sources to communicate the point I wanted. However, to further my skills and become an effective communicator, I began to find scholarly sources and I used them to support the point I was trying to make, instead of using them to communicate my main point itself.


My second goal was to organize my thoughts in my papers to effectively communicate. For my paper, it was important I create a clear thesis that the audience understood. My thesis was “Through the difficult language of the novel, third-person narration, humanization of Hammad, the portrayal of the characters, and the trouble processing trauma, as seen in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five, DeLillo demonstrates in the novel Falling Man that the experience of 9/11 cannot be truly captured” (pg.1). This thesis not only established my talking points, but also created an organization of my thoughts. The order I listed this points in my thesis would set the groundwork for how my thoughts would be organized. Before taking ENG 232, I feel as if my writing was scattered. What I mean by this is that my thoughts were not organized appropriately. One example is that I would often have multiple main points in one paragraph. However, after feedback from ENG 232, I realized that my paragraphs needed to have one point that I focus on. The other material in the paragraph should be support and analysis that support that point. My final paper as well as ENG 232 allowed me to learn how my thoughts should be organized in a paper. If I had not learned to organize the thoughts, I would not be an effective communicator.


The two goals I set pushed me to achieve the communication competence program outcome. Before, I was able to communicate but not to the best of my ability. Now, I am an effective communicator. As I enter college, I know I will use the skills I obtained to be an effective communicator. I also will use the communication skills as I enter the workforce. Entering the medical field, I will have to write reports to send to other colleagues. I will also have to communicate with patients. It is very helpful to have developed these communication skills in order to effectively communicate within my discipline. I learned how to read literature which allowed me to learn how to read people. I learned a lot about how art displays tragedy and I was able to understand how to read emotion in literature. 


"Learners will recognize and adapt to various cultures, ideas, and practices within their discipline."

"Learners will recognize and adapt to various cultures, ideas, and practices within their discipline."

I enrolled in HIS 132 the fall of 2017. For my oral history assignment, I had to listen to different podcasts. All of these podcasts were stories about someone who was different than me. One podcast was about an Iraqi interpreter and his experience getting his visa to come to America. I really had to learn about his culture and about how fortunate he was to receive his visa in order to come to America. Another podcast was about a hate crime that Vincent Chin experienced while in America. Due to the controversy over him being Japanese and working in America, an argument was started with two other men in a restaurant. Vincent was beaten to death by the two men. I have never experienced a hate crime, but I truly had to view this hate crime from his perspective. Another podcast was about two men who were wrongly convicted and sent to jail. These men were both African American and they talked about their experience and how they went to jail for a crime they didn’t commit. I believe this assignment shows my ability to identify cultural differences as well as my ability to view things from their perspective.

My first goal was to learn more about various cultures and how they relate to my life. Being from a small town, I feel as if I had not been exposed to cultural diversity. I was not aware of different cultures and I did not know much about them. However, in HIS 132 I was able to learn more about a few cultures that are different from me. I not only learned about them, but I was also able to recognize some of the challenges they face. In this assignment, I then addressed how I differed from these cultures. I believe the skills I obtained in order to distinguish between myself and other cultures will allow me to only learn more about these cultures.


My second goal was to expand my cultural awareness in order to effectively engage with different cultures. I feel as if culture awareness is always something I have lacked. However, HIS 132 allowed me to expand my overall cultural awareness. I was unaware of some of the challenges that minority cultures face. For example, a man who was Japanese was brutally murdered just for being Japanese. This really opened my eyes and allowed me to truly understand some of the many hate crimes that people who are different than me face. I believe expanding my cultural awareness is necessary in order to be able to continue effectively engaging with those who are culturally different from me.


In the fall, I will be attending UNC Chapel Hill. This is a University that is widely recognized for its diverse community of students. It is important that I am able to communicate with my peers who may be different than I am. I definitely believe by expanding my culture awareness and learning more about various cultures, I was able to gain the skills necessary to communicate with those who are different than me. I know this same concept will apply to entering the workforce. My patients may or colleagues may be different than me, so it is important I use these skills I obtained in order to communicate with everyone.

Creative Problem Solving

"Learners will apply appropriate techniques to solving problems within their discipline."

I enrolled in ENG 112 the spring of 2018. This course used the skills I obtained in ENG 111 and furthered my ability to write within my discipline. In this proposal I clearly examined and combined elements in order to determine what the problem of antibiotic resistance is and what is contributing to it. I then had to critically think about how I could provide a solution that would truly address the problem.

The problem of antibiotic resistance is vast, so I first had to address all aspects of the problem. I pointed out how society is unaware of the problem. I then talked about how antibiotics are being misused. The main factor contributing to this is prescribing antibiotics to treat a viral infection. When physicians prescribe to treat symptoms and not the infection itself, they are misusing antibiotics and creating a resistance. Antibiotics are also being overused in the food industry, which is also contributing to the problem. After addressing the issue, I began to propose a solution. I proposed that physicians should create pamphlets that can be available in their practice, in the hospital, and even shared by the media. The second part I proposed was the regulation of food additives. I explained how the FDA should enforce regulations regarding the amount of antibiotics that can be used in the food industry. Although policies may be in placed, they are not being enforced which is only increasing the issue.

My first goal was to “identify elements of a problem before proposing or identifying a solution.” When writing my proposal, I could not just impose a solution. This problem was vast, so there were many elements that I had to address. I first identified that the main issue is that society is unaware of the problem of antibiotic resistance. I then identified another element of the issue, which is that antibiotics are being used in the animal and food industry. I then pointed out how the misuse of antibiotics is widely occurring. Since this problem was complex, it was important that I address all elements of the problem. In order to begin proposing a solution, this paper shows my ability to identify all elements of a problem to ensure I provide an adequate solution. This simply helped me realize that is important to make sure I understand a problem completely before I begin providing solutions.


My second goal was to “learn different techniques to solve the problem at hand.” I feel as if sometimes problem solving techniques can be very complex, but I chose to find easier techniques that helped me clearly identify how to solve the problem at hand, which was the emergence of antibiotic resistance. I first created a chart that identified all the problems I had previously identified with antibiotic resistance. These problems were that society is unaware, antibiotics are being misused, and antibiotics are being overused. On the other side of the chart I tried to provide a solution for each of the problems I had previously listed. I wrote these solutions beside the problem I was addressing. To ensure my solutions would be appropriate, I then used the database in order to see if the solution had already been used, and if it had, I would make sure it was successful. After researching, I then went back and added notes to my solutions and modified them. This problem solving process may have seemed very simple, but it was a technique that I learned that I thought worked very effectively for me. In fact, this is the technique that I continue to use today when I come across a very complex problem.


Problem solving is something I have to do everyday. As I plan to enter the medical field, I know I will have to access my ability to problem solve. The first goal I set really allowed me to step back and realize that I need to know the problem before I start providing a solution. In the medical field, I wouldn’t want to just prescribe a prescription without knowing the type of infection. Instead, I would want to find out the symptoms in order to provide a solution that allowed me to actually treat the infection I previously identified. The technique I learned may seem basic, but it will help tremendously. When writing papers or even just problem solving, I can use the chart technique I learned to ensure I am providing an appropriate solution for the problem at hand.I learned more about how I can use my problem-solving skills daily. 

Information and Media Literacy:

"Learners will demonstrate the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for

the problem at hand. "           

I enrolled in ENG 232 (American Literature) in the fall of 2018. I made this website on Henry James. In this website, I provided a brief biography, a timeline of his life, an analysis of his work, and a personal reflection. This assignment truly allowed me to learn more about Henry James and his influence on literature. 

My first goal was to identify when there is a need for information and complete effective research. In ENG 232, my professor pointed out I was just merely making statements without prior support. For the website, I had to include a biography of Henry James. I first had to identify that I needed this information and that it was not knowledge that I had. I then had to complete adequate research in order to obtain this information. I had to find sources that contained the information I needed to complete the elements of the project thoroughly. One thing my professor stated that stood out to me is that strong research contains relevant information. The research that I completed needed to be relevant to the topic I was informing my audience on. It would be unnecessary to obtain research that was irrelevant. With this being said, I completed thorough research that allowed me to locate the information that was necessary for the site. This assignment helped develop my research skills and allowed me to become an adequate researcher that uses sources effectively in order to obtain the necessary information.


My second goal was to learn how to share information through a unique medium. The guidelines for the assignment were rather vague, but basically I was required to figure out how to use a medium that I have never worked with before. This medium was the WiX website. I struggled with adapting to the site, but I started to learn how to enhance my page my using different themes and adding images. This was important not only for me to complete the assignment, but also for me to know how to use this medium for the future. In the end, I created a complete website that I was able to use to share the information.


I would say creating this website increased my technological skills tremendously. I was exposed and learned how to share information through a unique medium. This allowed me to have a new and unique way to share information when I have to do so. This assignment increased other aspects of my technological skills by requiring me to do research in order to obtain the information necessary to complete the assignment thoroughly. I then had to find sources that would allow me to obtain this information. I will definitely use the skills I gained as I further my education. Research is something that I will have to do and it is important I complete effective research.  The skills I obtained will allow me to conduct effective research in my discipline, as well as use unique ways of sharing information. I learned how to interpret literature which will lead to me learning to read people.


"Learners will demonstrate an understanding of arts and humanities in historical and cultural contexts."

I enrolled in Art Appreciation in my second semester at SPCC, which was the spring of 2018. This course was the first art class I had ever taken. Although I did complete some assignments that required me to draw or create something, most assignments just allowed me to learn more about the history of the art. The art criticism paper was one of my favorite assignments I completed.

For the art criticism paper, we had to find a theory to judge the piece, as well as describe the elements of the piece, and its impact. The piece I chose to use was a global warming poster by Chaz Maviyance-Davies that was created for the 3rd United Nations convention on climate change. This assignment really opened my eyes to learn more about the role of art in everyday society as well as the past. For example, this poster was used as a form of expression as well as a form of persuasion. The poster shows a human breathing fire toward earth. After taking a superficial approach on this piece, I easily discovered Davies is trying to show how humans are contributing to global warming and indeed harming earth. This class as well as this assignment truly showed me how art can be used as a form of expression and persuasion and showed me just how important art is in our society today, and in the past.


My first goal was to learn how to analyze art. Before enrolling in ART 111, I was completely unaware of how to analyze art. However, taking this course allowed me to realize that there is more than just looking at a piece of art in order to analyze it. For my criticism paper, I first identified all the elements that were present in the poster. This included listing the colors that were used, the text present on the poster, and what objects were present. Although this may seem basic, I had to further analyze what was the significance of why these colors and objects were used. This was a part to analyzing art that I had not previously realized was necessary. I pointed out the visual qualities and why they were used. I pointed out he uses illusion, implied lines, one-point linear perspective, implied light, volume, and texture. The question I was not prepared to answer when I was looking at art is WHY did the artist use the things they did? Why did they use vibrant colors, why did they connect those two objects, why did create depth? However, this is what truly allowed me to learn how to analyze art. In order to understand an artist's perspective, it is important you ask these why questions. After asking myself all of these questions, I was able to provide clear insight as to the overall purpose of this poster. This project as well as ART 111 allowed me to truly understand how art is used in everyday society. 


My second goal was to learn how art reflects the human experience. Art can be used to reflect the human experience in many ways. First and foremost, it shows a certain activity that a human performs or feels, which can be emotionally or physically. When learning more about the human experience in art, art reflecting human conflict really stood out to me. The piece I chose was focused on global warming. This piece directly shows how humans are contributing to the problem. In many pieces in ART 111, I had to evaluate different elements in order to determine how it reflected the human experience. The ART 111 criticism paper I chose to do demonstrates my gained comprehension of how to identify this relationship and apply it to different pieces. This piece symbolizes that man is destroying the world. The Earth's distance from man symbolizes they are not working together coherently. 


Before enrolling in ART 111, I was unaware of how much I did not truly understand art. Art is something that I engage with everyday, so it was important I learned more about the history of art as well as how art is used today. One main thing I learned which was also one of my goals was how to analyze art. In order to understand art truly in a current context as well as past, I had to analyze the piece of art completely. The artifact I chose was my art criticism paper. This paper was written about a poster that discussed a very controversial topic regarding global warming. I had to specifically analyze many aspects of the piece such as colors, textures, and different techniques the artist used. This analysis allowed me to truly understand the purpose of the piece. This not only allowed me to gain a appreciation for certain pieces, but it also allowed me to learn more about art and how it has been used over the years. As I enter college and even the work force, I can use the skills I obtained to effectively understand art and how it impacts myself as well as the past. I learned more about how art can be used to show the human experience as well as conflict. 


"Learners will demonstrate an understanding of social science methodologies in order to explain the consequences of human actions."

For social scientific literacy, I chose to use my General Psychology Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper. I enrolled in PSY 150 in the spring of 2018. This course really introduced me to social science as a whole. It also allowed me to discuss many topics and understand how our actions result in various consequences.

For my Autobiographical Psychosocial History paper, I discussed various topics. These topics included stress, sleep, motivation, consciousness, and learning. For memory, I discussed what it is, how we use it everyday, and ways to improve it. I pointed out one technique, which is chunking. I related this back to how I can use it everyday, as well as how others can. The other technique I pointed out is maintenance rehearsal. The topic I chose to discus next is stress. I further analyzed how stress requires us to change our behavior. I further linked stress to one's thoughts, behavior, and emotion. I then analyzed what the consequences of being stressed are, and how it affects our actions. I then explored consciousness. In this section, I pointed on Sigmund Freud and the three levels of consciousness he identified. I acknowledged all three levels and I also pointed out how each of these levels affects human actions. The next topic I discussed how motivation pushes one to achieve a desired goal.  I also discussed how the lack of motivation affects one's life. The last topic was learning, and one that I thought related to me the most. I explored how different theories influence our learning. I furthered discussed learning to point out how certain techniques can be used to treat phobias.


My first goal was to understand different social science theories. I was not familiar with many theories, but PSY 150 introduced me to different theories that allowed me to further understand the actions of a human. One famous scientist we focused on was Sigmund Freud. I learned more about psychoanalysis, Freud’s theory. Furthermore, Freud was a firm believer in adults being a product of their childhood. He believed characteristics such as anxiety were developed during childhood as a result of experiences. We took many rational approaches to various theories that attempt to address the consequences of human actions. Overall, I gained a better understanding of these social theories and reflected my understanding of these theories by relating them to my daily life.


My second goal was to understand how psychology affects human actions.  It wasn’t until PSY 150 that I truly began to learn how psychology affects human actions. Psychology offered me a different approach to explain why people act the way they do. As proposed by Sigmund Freud, adults are a result of their childhood experiences. For example, if someone acts a certain way, it may just be because they are a product of their environment. Enrolling in PSY 150 allowed me to gain this understanding and my artifact reflects my ability to show how psychology affects human actions and our daily actions.


Enrolling in Psychology exposed me to a new way of thinking. I know when I enter the medical field, there is going to be times I have to take a different approach to human actions. In college, I know this is a topic I will heavily discuss as I enroll in more social science classes. Although I can easily relate this to my future occupation in the medical field, I think this course and assignment as a whole advanced my thinking and understanding of social science and how it can be used in order to begin to understand the consequences of human actions.

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